Social Studies Department

The Helena High School Social Studies department also wishes you a wonderful summer.  This is a reminder to 8th graders (in-coming freshman) who are taking AP Human Geography.  Click here to see your summer assignment. These Summer Tasks are Required to be Completed Prior to the First Day of School.


The Social Studies department at HHS provides a variety of courses to broaden the base of student’s cultural and civic awareness. Some of the courses described are required for graduation while others provide elective opportunities.

Courses required for graduation include:

The World Cultures program examines major cultures of the world from several viewpoints: history, geography, government, economy, religion, customs, and current trends.

U.S. History attempts to give students a general understanding of our country’s development from colonial times to the present. Economics, social and political development, foreign relations, and contemporary world involvements are emphasized. The U.S. History program is taught on three levels – applied, regular, and advanced placement.

Senior American Government examines the history of our nation’s democratic system, the fundamentals of citizenship, and the working of local, state and national government. Advanced Placement, regular, and applied levels are offered.

Elective courses offered at Helena High are: Current Issues, World History (Western Civilization), Psychology, Montana History, and Social Problems.