Tryouts – Basketball Season 24/25
November 19th-21st
HHS Upper Gym 6-8pm
Please fill out the following google form:
Please join the tryout band for up-to-date tryout information:
Please pick up a tryout packet at the main office for a tryout checklist of all the things you will need to know for tryouts or download the packet here:
For any other questions, please contact Coach Lexsey.
The HHS Bengalettes are a AA Varsity level dance team. This team provides students with a space to have fun, promote school spirit, encourage community involvement, be supportive to other athletic programs, and encourage high educational standards. Dancers on the HHS Bengalettes will develop or increase skills in various styles of dance, responsibility, leadership, self-discipline, and time management. Students on the dance team are expected to be positive role models for their peers, younger children, and the Helena community at large.
As an athlete on the dance team, you will have the following opportunities:
● Perform at basketball halftime.
● Perform at football halftime.
● Perform at school assemblies.
● Present our nation’s colors at sporting events.
● Perform in the Vigilante Day Parade.
● Compete at state level.
● Letter as a varsity athlete.
● Community Service & Involvement
Awards 2022:
● 1st place in Pom @ Great Northern Cheer & Dance Championship (Helena, MT)
Awards 2023:
● 1st place in Pom @ Great Northern Cheer & Dance Championship (Helena, MT)
Awards 2024:
● 1st place in Hip Hop @ Highschool Cheer & Dance Championship (Boulder, MT)
● 1st place in Jazz @ Highschool Cheer & Dance Championship (Boulder, MT)
● 1st place in Hip Hop @ Great Northern Cheer & Dance Championship (Helena, MT)
● 2nd place in Jazz @ Great Northern Cheer & Dance Championship (Helena, MT)
Each athlete MUST have a completed physical form, drug & alcohol form, and signed concussion form before they can start practice. Please bring ALL completed forms on the first day of practice. All required forms can be found on the Activities Home Page as well as at the HHS Main Office. The cost to participate in your first sport will be $90, which includes a student activity pass for the school year.
Follow us on Social Media:
Instagram : @hhsbengalettes