Each athlete MUST have a completed physical form and signed concussion form before they can start practice. Bring the completed forms the first day. All required forms can be found on the Activities Home Page as well as the HHS Main Office. The cost is $90 for the first sport which includes the required activity ticket. Payment can be made on-line through RevTrak https://helenaschools.revtrak.net/
Tryouts: Attendance each day is mandatory for all participants during tryouts.
All Practices held at Siebel Airport Fields unless specified! Please be dressed and ready to play before the starting time. We will start and finish on time so please plan accordingly. You need to bring running shoes to every training session.
Please take a moment to read these important documents.
Bengal Men’s Soccer Team Placement Expectations and Information Fall 2024
Team Placement Policy and Criteria:
Team placement starts on the first day and will last approximately 4 days and the time will used to evaluate each player based on the following pillars of Soccer:
Character, Technical Skill, Tactical Skill, Speed, Fitness, Toughness, & Coachability
Each player will receive a score of 0 – 10 for each area by each coach. The players will be evaluated based on how they perform in each area compared to the other players combined with the best accepted soccer standard for each area. The scores will be added and averaged, and coaches will discuss each player’s attribute to determine which players will be placed in Varsity and which will be JV. The teams usually warm up and do technical skills together and then separate during practices. This placement may change throughout the season even game by game based on performance, character, and need.
If you have any questions, please contact Carl Straub 4064-410-4828 or at: cstraub@helenaschools.org