Dual Credit Forms & Information

All dual credit registration will take place September 10th and 11th within your Helena High dual credit course. If you are absent one of those days, you will need to go to Helena College to meet with Cheryl Ravenscroft to complete the registration process by January 30th, 2025 by 5:00PM.

If you took a dual credit course in the fall or in previous years, the only form the you will need to fill out is the registration form linked below.


Dual Credit Application and Registration Form: This document is used by the college to create a student’s profile in their computer system. Even if your student has already completed a past application, they need to fill out the application again (see link below). Teachers will provide CRN’s (also listed below).

Dual Credit Release of Information: This needs to be completed and turned in with the other papers.

Updated Transcript: The counseling center will provide this document when all forms have been collected and turned in to our office.

Math Placement Form: Students taking a Math course are required to complete this document.

Once you’ve submitted the required documents you will receive a bill in the mail. Be sure to pay attention to the payment deadline so that you’re not dropped from your course. If you have any questions or need to speak with someone at Helena College about your bill please call (406) 447-6920. The 1-2-Free Program will allow students to take their first 2 classes, up to 6 credits, free of charge. On the 7th credit, a bill will be generated.


Helena College Paperwork:

Dual Credit Application and Registration 2024 25

Dual Enrollment Release Information

Math Placement Form 2024

Dual Credit Age Waiver

DE Hardship Scholarship Form

CRN Spring 2025

Dual Credit Resource Packet



One-Two-Free Dual Enrollment Program

Funded by the Montana University System, the One-Two-Free program gives Montana high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take and earn college credit – tuition free – for two college-level courses. Students take the 100- and 200-level classes at their high schools, on college campuses or online through the Montana University System’s Dual Enrollment program.

  • Dual enrollment allows students to take 100 and 200 level courses, those commonly found in the first year of college, in a wide variety of subjects.
  • Choose classes from majors you want to explore, complete general degree requirements, or both!
  • Dual enrollment courses transfer seamlessly throughout the Montana University System, as well as to other accredited colleges and universities across the country*. Dual enrollment allows you to start on a 1, 2, or 4-year degree while you are in high school. Dual credit courses can help students satisfy high school graduation requirements and college degree requirements.
  • By completing college courses before you become a college student, you’ll make better progress towards your degree or certificate, saving you time and money!

How to sign up for One-Two-Free

To begin Dual Enrollment student registration, contact your high school counselor or the Dual Enrollment Coordinator on a participating Montana University System campus here.

For more information, visit the MUS website here, or call the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education at (406) 449-9128.

One Two Free Press Release